Thanks again. I very much want to try it. 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Bob Vogel" <> 
Cc:, "quad-list" <> 
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2014 8:42:11 AM 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Peristeen 

Hi Meredith and everybody, 

To answer your question "Will Peresteen work laying on my side?" Great 
question! The ansere 
is, Yes! Peristeen will work if you do your bowel program (BP) laying on your 

In a perfect world it is better to do a bowel program works better when you are 
upright for two reasons. 
1, When you are in an upright position, gravity helps in emptying. 
2 It is easier when the contents of the BP fall directly into the toilet. 

However I understand that in the real world doing a BP in an upright position 
isn't possible for a variety of 
reasons. I had my BP done on my side (by a nurse or aid) for the first 1 1/2 
months when I 
was first injured. And for for several periods of time, years after my SCI I 
had other injuries or surgeries 
and had to do my BP on my side because I couldn't sit upright. 

The challenge in doing a BP with the Peristeen system laying on your side is 
you will need to collect have 
enough pads, chucks, or other collection system to collect an extra 500cc to 
700cc of liquid (500cc equals 
two measuring cups, 700cc equals 2.8) along with the regular amount of stool 
that comes out. 

In my "survey of one", if I had another injury or medical situation that 
prevented me from sitting upright and I 
had to do my BP laying on my side (fingers crossed and *knocking wood* this 
doesn't happen) I would still use 
Peristeen laying on my side. 

Hope this answers your question. 

All the best! 
Bob V 

On Jul 28, 2014, at 8:03 AM, wrote: 

Thank you so much for completely answering my questions. I guess it won't work 
lying on your side as most quads do. Oh well, glad that you are feeling as good 
as one can paralyzed. Thanks again. 


----- Original Message -----

Cc: "quad-list" <> 
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2014 7:34:17 AM 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Peristeen 

Bob, How often do you use Peristeen? 
In a message dated 7/27/2014 10:04:11 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: 

Hi Meredith, 

Here is an article I wrote for New Mobility magazine about the Peristeen 

As a "survey of one", I've been using Peristeen since November 2013. As far as 
the A.D. issue, I'm a T10 para 
so I'm just below the cutoff for A.D., but it is a very good question and one I 
would discuss with your doctor. 

The way you go about getting it is to either ask your doctor and/or nurse 
practicioner about it or write an email 
to the folks at Peristeen, made by Coloplast: Or 
call Rita Ward at Coloplast at: 
(612) 337-7856 

The entire system is small and fits into a bag the size of shaving kit and/or 
small woman's purse. I travel with my 
Peristeen system, it fits easily into my suitcase and/or carry on bag on a 

It is designed to be used while sitting upright--on the toilet. I use the 
system while sitting on a standard commode. 
I have full use of my hands and arms--I find it very easy to use. Setting up 
the system from the box takes about a 
minute. It takes about another minute and a half to fill up the water bag with 
tap water, attach the rectal catheter. 
The next step is inserting the catheter, filling up the catheter balloon and 
adding water to the colon via squeezing 
a a rubber hand pump. On average the entire process--filling the water bag with 
water through pumping water into 
the colon (bowel)--takes me about 4-5 minutes. Once water is in the colon, the 
catheter is removed and it is a matter of 
sitting and waiting--I find it a good time to catch up on reading or listening 
to my favorite podcasts. Time to empty 
the colon (bowel) varies from about 20 minutes to 40 minutes. For me it takes 
30 minutes, like clockwork. Everybody 
is different, for some reason I find I empty in three "waves" about 10-minutes 
apart. It still amazes me how much 
comes out--at least 3-4 times more than I've ever managed to empty with 
"digital stim", suppositories, or using 
standard enemas. 

Again in my "survey of one" I give the system a 10. Since starting using 
Peristeen in November I have had zero 
accidents and (despite risking Murphy's law) for the first time since I was 
injured 29 1/2 years ago, I don't think or 
worry about bowel accidents. I also feel much better. As I wrote earlier today, 
I recently had my yearly KUB 
(kidney, ureter, bowel) X-ray to check for kidney stones. Over the past decade 
or so these X-rays always included 
a statement by the radiologist that said something like "difficult to see 
because of stool", meaning I was full of 
s#%t. My urology nurse practicioner showed me my current X-ray and compared it 
to a previous X-ray and said 
"you can see that you have much less stool in this X-ray". In my old X-rays it 
was easy to see that my entire colon 
(bowel) was full, even though I had done a bowel program the morning of the 
X-ray. In the current X-ray it is easy to 
see that the 2nd half of my bowel (1/2 of my transverse colon and my entire 
descending colon=2 1/2 feet of colon) is 

Probably way more than you wanted to know but really important to me. 

Bob V 

On Jul 27, 2014, at 12:02 PM, wrote: 


How do you go about getting the Peristeen? Do you have to sit on a toilet to 
use it? How difficult is it? I had another evacuation machine (P.I.E.) a while 
back that was just huge and difficult. It also caused me to have A.D. I have 
seen the video but I would love some personal reviews. 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Bob Vogel" < > 
To: "Bill Lang" < > 
Cc: "quad-list" < > 
Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2014 12:43:54 PM 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Peristeen 

Hi Bill, 

Thanks for the kudos. I've been using the Peristeen system since November 2013. 
It has changed 
my life! No more accidents, plus I feel much better. I had an KUB (checking for 
stones in kidney, 
ureters, & bladder) X-ray and my Dr. compared it to my previous ones--in every 
previous X-ray there 
was a notation "much of area is occluded by stool". In this X-ray the entire 
2nd half of my large investing 
(bowel) was empty. Before Peristeen I was literally "full of s#%t". 

Bob V 

On Jul 26, 2014, at 12:10 PM, Bill Lang wrote: 

> Thank you Bob. 
> Great article. 
> I am waiting on CPC codes for Medicare. Should be coming soon. I am expecting 
> to do training within 3 weeks. 
> Sent from my iPad 
>> On Jul 25, 2014, at 13:32, Bob Vogel < > wrote: 
>> Hi Billy, 
>> Here is an column I wrote about it in New Mobility in April. 
>> Bob V 
>>> On Jul 25, 2014, at 9:19 AM, Bill Lang wrote: 
>>> Guys, 
>>> Has anyone used this Bowel Irrigation system? 
>>> I am awaiting trial kickoff to begin and could use input. 
>>> Billy Lang 
>>> Sent from my iPad 



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