This afternoon I was sitting outside reading, alone, in a court yard at my 
apartment building. A man, Joe, waked up to me and said "Hello there Bobbie. I 
looked out my apartment window and saw you here. I got up my nerve and I wanted 
to ask you if you would go out with me? That guy I see you with ... he is your 
Aid ... he helps you out... are you two dating?" I told him that "Pete and I 
have been together for over 31years ... he is my everything. I like you Joe, 
your a good man. I'm flattered." 
Then Dawn, my Quad neighbor upstairs, and a lady, Mavis, I'm very good friends 
with, come and sit down and join us. It was a drop dead gorgeous day, weather 
Anyway, I was so flattered that .joe asked me out on a date, that hasn't 
happened to me in years. I decided I'm not going to tell Pete. It would be 
useless.       Bobbie 

Smile Everyday

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