WOW, and I thought that breaking my leg when my chair brakes failed was 
traumatic! But here you are still contributing to this group, thank goodness.

Glad that you made it through what had to have been a miserable time of your 
life. Joan


From: [] 
Sent: Sunday, March 29, 2015 10:17 AM
Subject: Fwd: [QUAD-L] Cushions


Back in the nineties I bought a brand new Caravan, an IMS conversion. The 
tie-down was a floor-post with the latch on the chair. In the first month it 
released me twice without cause. Fortunately I was going slow and able to stop 
both times. Until.... On July 14 I backed out of my parents drive. I pulled it 
into drive and pulled back on the accelerator. The van lurched forward....and 
my tie-down released. The van picked up speed and I went rolling helplessly to 
the back of the van. I left the road, jumped a ditch, and hit a large tree 
head-on at 45 mph. I was thrown forward violently and jammed under the 
dashboard. The van was totaled. It took EMT nearly three hours to get me out. 
My chair was bent like a pretzel, my legs broke and knees shattered, concussion 
and internal bleeding. The docs wanted to amputate my legs but I refused. Today 
they stay bent and spastic and make me miserable. I should have let them cut. 
Anyway, that's how I broke my legs.

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: Larry Willis <>
Date: March 28, 2015 at 10:34:02 PM EDT
Subject: Fwd: [QUAD-L] Cushions

Hit a tree in my van. I'll fill in the details tomorrow.

Larry Willis

Retired and proud of it


Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 28, 2015 at 8:53:11 PM EDT
To: Quad-list Post <>
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Cushions

How did you break your legs Larry? I would like to hear the 





On Saturday, March 28, 2015 7:37 PM, Larry Willis <> 


For the first 25 years of my quad life I used a simple ten dollar inflatable 
cushion....or nothing. I never had even a hint of a sore. Then I broke both 
legs and had to wear casts for six months. The lousy things created awful sores 
on my heels, ankles, knees, everywhere the cast touched with any pressure. It 
was like that opened the floodgates. I have fought sores constantly since then. 
They simply will not heal. I have three right now -- on my butt, hip, and 
ankle. Had them for over five years. I have resigned to take them with me to 
the grave. I am near 63 years old; can't be that much longer.

Larry Willis
Retired and proud of it

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