The first time I totaled my van was when I was in college. My rehab Doctor took 
me off Valium after taking it for 7 years.
I went to extreme withdraw, which ment I did NOT SLEEP for well over a week. 
Then I passed out while driving to the grocery store, hitting a stone wall.

Another time I was out with my sister and friends dancing. Somebody slipped me 
something in my drink, I think speed. I went to take home one of my friends and 
fell asleep at the wheel and plowed into a tree. The van was totaled AND my 
power chair. Unbelievably nothing happened to me. My girlfriend got a pretty 
bad bump on the knee.     Bobbie 

Smile Everyday

> On Mar 30, 2015, at 7:22 PM, Don Price <> wrote:
> Wow! Those driving stories are crazy and scary. I'm so glad none of you got 
> seriously hurt!
> I have a story to share too. This happened to a friend of mine very recently.
> My buddy drives a full-sized Ford Econoline 250, with an under vehicle lift 
> and an EGB (electronic gas and brake) driving system. The vehicle is really 
> high-tech and when I ride with him it looks like an airplane cockpit of 
> buttons, switches and lights. Some of you probably have similar systems.
> So, my buddy gets in his Econoline at a local bigbox retail store. He starts 
> his van and shifts into reverse, and for some reason the accelerator floors 
> itself, tires screech and the van rockets backwards across the parking lot in 
> a big circle at an estimated 40mph! My friend is thrown off balance and can 
> do nothing but hold on and pray until the inevitable happens: it hits 
> something big enough to stop it.
> That gut-wrenching moment came when it finally plowed into another parked 
> vehicle,completely demolishing it. Miraculously, no one was injured, 
> including my friend. He said it was the scariest moment of his life and he 
> will never drive with EGB controls again--he's switching to the Scott System. 
> Scary stuff! Be safe out there everyone!
> Don
> Tempe, AZ

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