Does the individual who has a tremendous amount of bladder pain from a
suprapubic still contribute to the list? I was thinking about this problem
the other day and I might have a possible reason this might be occurring.

I discovered that I have a strange allergy or intolerance to silicone
materials being placed my body. This was first discovered when they changed
me from a plastic tracheotomy device to a silicone one. My skin grow around
the device and it had to be yanked out of my neck. Yes it hurt like hell
and caused a mammoth scar which I had to have corrected later on.

After about four years my supplies of catheters were changed from  latex to
silicone.  I started having massive bladder spasms and terrible UTIs. I
discovered this was the problem when I changed my catheter and put in a
latex catheter which I forgot I had. The spasms and pain stopped within
five minutes. Anytime I have something which is pure silicone in my body
for any length of time I developed problems.

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