Personally, I am big on aids and nursing agencies. Everyone burns out. It's 
better if it isn't family members. You can replace aides and nurses but family 
should be the last option. Keep your family close by giving them space.
Hiring and firing is hard to do but if you're going to control your life it's 
something you have to learn. I know how it seems like an intimate job but it's 
just a job that needs to be done right and timely. IMHO

<div>-------- Original message --------</div><div>From: DAVID LEWIS 
<> </div><div>Date:04/28/2015  8:29 PM  (GMT-05:00) 
</div><div>To: Quad-list Post <> </div><div>Cc:  
</div><div>Subject: [QUAD-L] That dreaded bowel routeen  question </div><div>
</div>My brother helps me with my bowel care. 
But he has to go on a trip. Is there a service or anything that you can get 
help with.
how does others do it when they are all alone? There has to be something.

pease give me help.

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