People are capable of picking an average weight person off the ground if they 
WANT to. 

     On Wednesday, May 13, 2015 7:46 PM, Gmail <> 

 My sister picked me up off the ground. She is one super strong chick ... even 
to this day.    Bobbie

Smile Everyday
On May 13, 2015, at 2:17 PM, Larry Willis <> wrote:

WAIT! How did you get back in your chair?

Larry WillisRetired and proud of it

Begin forwarded message:

From: Gmail <>
Date: May 13, 2015 at 1:45:20 PM EDT
To: "Thomas E. Cusack" <>
Cc: Larry Willis <>, "" 
Subject: QUAD-L My quad story today

Me and my sister Patti use to go out night club hopping in the mid-70s and 
close the place down. This was anywhere from 1-4 years post when I was still 
just using only a manual chair.
One night we closed a place and the band asked us to follow them home to party 
with them because they loved that I danced in my chair.
We got to the house in the middle of nowhere and Patti starts pushing me across 
the lawn in the pitch dark after the guys where inside. Well we hit something 
and I went flying out of the chair and it ended up on top of me along with 
Patti.Well, we thought this was hysterical and couldn't stop laughing ... of 
course we were very drunk.
The guys finally came out to see where we were. When they discovered what had 
happened THEY freaked out. "Here let us pick her up." They each grabbed a limb 
and started pulling in different directions. Well, Patti and I thought this was 
hysterical and they wanted to know what was so funny."She could be hurt, what's 
so funny about that?" Patti said "She already has a broken neck."
They ended up walking away because we were laughing so hard.    Bobbie

Smile Everyday
On May 13, 2015, at 10:27 AM, Thomas E. Cusack <> wrote:

I think we all have stories that are funny as well as 'you've gotten be kidding 
me' but here's one you'll enjoy.Ifanyone's been to the Grand Hotel in Mackinac, 
you'll know that there's an enormous hill to climb to get from the street to 
the hotel entrance. I was in a Braun TriWheeler and slalomed up the hill 
because the device just didn't have the guts to go straight up the hill. So we 
made it to the top and went out on the porch. You can see 3 of the Great Lakes 
from there. Well, we proceeded to have a couple of cocktails and it came time 
to leave. I figured, I can go straight down the hill and be ok. Well down the 
hill I went. That triwheeler was flyin'!!I got to the bottom all in one piece 
but the gal that I was with says, 'do you know you ran over a cigarette back 
there?' I said 'no' and looked down and the things was on fire! I took her 
coke, threw it on the fire area and limped back to my van. Funny today-scary 
Tom Cusack

     On Tuesday, May 12, 2015 4:46 PM, Larry Willis <> 

 Dave, that's funny.....and scary! I've had similar incidents but I have never 
flipped over!

Larry WillisRetired and proud of it

Begin forwarded message:

Date: May 12, 2015 at 5:06:40 PM EDT
To: Quad-list Post <>
Subject: [QUAD-L] My quad story today
Reply-To: DAVID LEWIS <>

Oh man, im fine, but i gotta story to tell ya, i was in the living room taking 
off my black vest and putting it on the front railing by the door when,,it 
caught my joystick and the joystick on  my wheelchair. Made me shoot  up and i 
fell all the way  straight back,it was like i was in a rocket ship with my feet 
in the air and my back on the floori hit my head but not to badJosh  my cousins 
son and dad and my aunt Carol connected the  Hoyer chains that i use every day 
to get in the wheelchair and pulled me up, the chair too, batteries stayed in 
im glad.
I bet you guys have story's like this too.please share if you have time.



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