Quadriplegic Accused as Killer


  HOUSTON, Sept. 9—  A quadriplegic has been charged here with murdering his 
wife of two weeks by using his mouth to yank a string that was attached to the 
trigger of a handgun. Witnesses told the police that his wife had placed the 
string in his mouth just moments before.  The 37-year-old victim, Bertha Mae 
Burns, was slain Monday night at a bar where she and her wheelchair-bound 
husband, James B. Burns, 40, had been talking. The police described the weapon 
that killed her as a 9-millimeter pistol mounted on a small board that Mr. 
Burns had across his lap. A string ran around two small screws in the board, 
they said, with one end of the string running to the trigger. A shoebox that 
had covered the entire apparatus was removed before the shooting.  Mr. Burns 
was upset because his wife was planning to live in California and also because 
he suspected her of infidelity, the police said.  ''According to witnesses, 
they were sitting there talking in quiet tones,'' said a police detective, A. 
J. Toepel. ''She then got up and put a string in his mouth, and he jerked his 
head back once and the gun went off.'' 'Talked Me Into Killing Her'  A police 
sergeant, J C. Mosier, said Mrs. Burns must have placed the string in her 
husband's mouth, ''because he couldn't have done it.'' Sergeant Mosier said Mr. 
Burns, who was left a quadriplegic when shot several years ago by a previous 
wife, had told the police that he had wanted his wife to kill him but that 
''she talked me into killing her.''  However, the sergeant said, Mr. Burns also 
told the police that he had jerked his head back only by accident. And in an 
interview Tuesday with The Houston Chronicle, Mr. Burns said: ''Somehow the 
string got pulled. Somehow she pushed my head back.''  In the interview, Mr. 
Burns could not explain why three bullets had hit his wife.  The police have 
filed a murder charge against Mr. Burns but have not taken him into custody. 
Instead, he has been allowed to remain home pending a review of the case by a 
judge and is expected to appear in court Thursday. 

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