Hello all,
Today, 25 years ago, my brother, husband and I decided to go out for a ride on 
a beautiful, moonless June night on Lake Erie. The lake was smooth as glass. 
Going out they couldn't spot the steel breakwall and hit it. During this crash 
I was sleeping in the cuddy. My head was no competition to 1/4 inch of 
fiberglass and steel. It left me a C6/7 Quadriplegic. My husband's (Dave) got a 
broken shoulder as he was standing, looking for the breakwall and went through 
the steering wheel. My brother had stitches on his knee. My 3 yr old niece, 
also on board was thankfully not hurt! We took on no water and was able to 
drive the boat back to the coast guard station where I was lifeflighted to 
Cleveland. Man, I hate this story. Oh well, I'm still here!
p.s. i don't post my years but this one marks 25 yrs!!

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