
You must have missed my "I'm back" post with your illness.  You and I talked here years ago and we're identical twins in the cold department.  When I found out you were moving I thought "I wish I had that option"  I found a drug called imipramine that helped take the edge off.  Bonus It's an antidepressant that causes drowsiness and is taken at bedtime.  I have a lot more to write on cold sensations, pain and narcs but I'm out of time. be back tomorrow

On 12/13/2015 10:56 AM, greg wrote:
I just can't imagine still living in Seattle, I'm in the Phoenix area now. The highs this next week are 54-66, the lows are 29-38. Yesterday I wore heavy sweats, a shirt, heavy  hoodie, and wrapped in a blanket, fleece hat, and drank hot drinks all day, heat set at 80. And still froze all day. Must be low pressure or something aches my bones. Just shaking cold. I can't imagine you east coast guys. At least here it's only a few months a year. It's not too bad during the day if it's at least sunny out. I hate getting washed up when it's so cold out, no mater what the heats on. I don't know how you guys leave the house.

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