Lucky it didn't burn you. Stuck in super hot gravy. Lucky nothings hot at 

> When I was first in rehab in 1973 I was sitting at the dinning
> table. We were all served meat loaf, peas & hot mashed potatoes and
> hot gravy.
> Guess what? I face planted right into the hot mashed potatoes &
> gravy. I couldn't push myself back up, I didn't have the strength
> yet, so I had to blow out a space to breath. All my peers were
> laughing till they peed in their pants (so to speak) until an aid
> came to my rescue. THAT'S when everybody really started laughing
> when they got a look at my face just covered with mashed potatoes,
> gravy & peas. I wish someone had some kind of camera. Bobbie
> Smile Everyday
>> On Dec 24, 2015, at 11:20 AM, greg <> wrote:
>> I hate wearing my chest strap, so I rarely do unless going out by
>> myself. I do sometimes fall forward and get stuck, have to call
>> for help so someone can come and sit me back up. This morning I
>> did it big tine.
>> I keep a small pillow on my lap, to set the phone, book, Kindle,
>> snacks, on. Or my dog to lay on. This morning I had a cinnamon
>> roll on a paper towel on my pillow. If messy, I often just lift
>> the whole small pillow up. I just tried and the pillow fell,
>> hitting my joystick. It spun me around, hitting the recliner
>> chair, making me fall forward, smashing the joystick forward all
>> the way. I pushed the chair into the side table, knocking the
>> table over, everything crashing to the ground. Breaking Christmas
>> ornaments. Pushing the sofa half way across the room. Almost
>> running over my dog. Luckily, I had just set my hot chocolate
>> down.
>> I fall forward now and then, but never crashing into everything
>> that bad.
>> Greg

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