Wow Bobbie, just reading that wore me out!

Larry Willis
Retired and proud of it

Begin forwarded message:

> Resent-From:
> From: Gmail <>
> Date: February 19, 2016 at 9:54:33 PM EST
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Shoulders - exercises
> I've been a quad since 1973 and have ALWAYS done a series of stretching 
> exercises which includes my shoulders.
> ****do the below at your own discretion*****
> Take arms out of covers, gently stretch arms/shoulders up over your head. 
> Have someone help if you can't.
> Stretch eyes, they are muscles too, by looking left, looking right, looking 
> up and the down.
> Put right hand behind left elbow and gently pull then do opposite elbo.
> I sit up in bed, doing long sitting, and lean forward putting my hands under 
> my legs and pull gently. Sit up and repeat.
> Sitting up, as tall and straight as possible, I take my right hand place it 
> inside my right knee and my left hand behind me anchoring me ... the look 
> over my left shoulder. Repeat this looking over my right shoulder.
> While balancing place both arms behind my lower back and try to touch elbows.
> With both hands on my side bring left ear down to left shoulder, hold for 10 
> seconds, repeat 5 times. Do the same with right ear and shoulder. Then do the 
> very same thing except when you bring your right ear down to your right 
> shoulder turn your head ever so slowly to the right as far as comfortable and 
> hold for 10 seconds.
> Lastly, roll your head from ear to ear. Never roll it back ... it's not 
> natural.
> Bobbie 
> Smile Everyday
>> On Feb 19, 2016, at 8:34 PM, wrote:
>> Billy, I have been a c5 quad for 45 years. In the last ten I have noticed a 
>> big difference in my arm strength and endurance. I have become very weak in 
>> all my still working muscles. I chalk it up to growing old. Joints hurt too. 
>> Growing old is a growing old as a quad is a double
>> Sent from my iPad
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> Resent-From:
>>> From: William Lang III <>
>>> Date: February 14, 2016 at 12:02:49 PM EST
>>> To: greg <>
>>> Cc: quad-list <>
>>> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Shoulders
>>> Greg,
>>> My shoulders have gotten progressively worse over the 26 years I have been 
>>> a quad. A number of factors have gone into degrading the joint and tendon 
>>> in both shoulders. Because we have little or no triceps we rotate all 
>>> shoulders in ways they are not intended to be used. We really can’t help it.
>>> I have been through trials where they took blood, spin it down into 
>>> platelets and reinjected it into the shoulder cavity.  using an ultrasound 
>>> to guide the needle they scraped calcified bone to fool the body into 
>>> thinking it had to rush white blood cells into the cavity. The procedure 
>>> was horrific, and the results not worth the pain.
>>> Right now I get injected with cortisone and lidocaine, every three months.  
>>> This relieves the pain but there are diminishing returns. Eventually this 
>>> is not going to help either. like you my left shoulder (I am right-handed 
>>> so I don’t know if this matters) is my worst one.
>>> I use a product called Bio Freeze. It helps for a while. I Know the pain 
>>> lessens at times with certain positioning.
>>> Hope this helps.
>>>  Billy
>>>  In Feb 11, 2016, at 6:16 PM, greg <> wrote:
>>>> My shoulder is so sore, like a knife stuck in my left shoulder blade. It 
>>>> can hurt so bad some days I want to throw up. Other days nothing. The sun 
>>>> or heat pad helps, but nothing else. No pain meds even dent the pain. Even 
>>>> though I have no feeling in most of my arm, it often feels like I have a 
>>>> numb nerve going down my arm out my middle finger. Like I banged my elbow 
>>>> really hard on something.
>>>> I have weird shoulder blades, but doc said not sure that would cause my 
>>>> issues. From years in a chair, and sitting back with shoulders back, my 
>>>> shoulder blades touch. Sometimes even over lap.
>>>> Greg
>>> William Lang III
>>> last 4: 0160
>>> DOB: 05/12/1949

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