'There are a couple of OTC meds for UTI's.  Call your doctor's office  and 
leave a message that if he doesn't get back to you in 12-24 hours, you will  
take several OTC meds .  This way, the ball is in HIS court.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 5/6/2016 4:42:37 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
quadjkin...@gmail.com writes:

Nothing but competence on their part............................  something 
terrible. Hope you all feel better soon. And God  bless!!! 

On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 1:42 PM, Lori Michaelson <_lorilivingon@gmail.com_ 
(mailto:lorilivin...@gmail.com) > wrote:

I have known Nancy for a  couple of decades also and if you get this 
Nancy... you are definitely in my  thoughts! Because of a sore I spent that 
months in bed and then a total  of, statistically speaking, 3 years in bed by 
only being able to get up 3 to  5 hours a day because it was a Stage III 
wound and any pressure or bumps or  any type of "internal shearing" would open 
it back up.

I thank everyone else who  has responded to my inquiry! starting this past 
Monday I began to be UTIs  symptomatic and the pain has gotten worse. My 
doctors office keeps claiming  they can't get the results from the laboratory 
or the home health agency who  took the urine specimen over 3 weeks ago! I 
have been calling them every  single week but they keep saying they can't find 
the results. My home health  agency nurse who got the results finally had 
to call my doctor's office  yesterday but now I need to wait for my doctors 
office to call me to get on  an antibiotic of some type because my bladder 
pain and my flank pain is so  very bad. No fever but I do not want it to get 
to that stage [systemic]  which he could easily do if not treated. And here 
we are going into a  weekend!

Incompetence is running  rampant in this country.

C4/5 complete quad, 36 1/2  years post
Tucson Arizona


On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 5:54 AM, <_wheelchair@aol.com_ 
(mailto:wheelch...@aol.com) > wrote:

Thanks for the update on Nancy.  I've known her since the early  90's when 
we would chat in AOL disAbility Chats.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 5/5/2016 10:29:40 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
_daanoo53@gmail.com_ (mailto:daano...@gmail.com)  writes:

    (https://www.facebook.com/nancy.davisgillen)      _Nancy Davis  Gillen_ 
(https://www.facebook.com/nancy.davisgillen)  8:06am May  5  
I'm feeling  much better, but im going on 7 months in bed  because of a 
sore. I'm going crazy! Please pass  on to the quad list. Thanks for keeping me 
in  your thoughts.

_View Conversation on Facebook_ 
This  message was sent to _daanoo2003@yahoo.com_ 
(mailto:daanoo2...@yahoo.com) . If you don't want to  receive these emails from 
Facebook in the 
future,  please _unsubscribe_ 
Facebook, Inc., Attention:  Community Support, Menlo Park, CA  94025Sent  
from my iPhone

On Apr 30, 2016, at 4:33 PM, Lori Michaelson <_lorilivingon@gmail.com_ 
(mailto:lorilivin...@gmail.com) > wrote:

Greetings my quad  list friends and friends [since 1995 for me],

Sometimes after so  much time goes by and either we are kept busy doing 
happy things or  are stuck in bed with a wound... we often lose track of each 
other and  exactly who is who and what is about that person.

I know we have lost  one of the most wonderful contributors here [Dave 
Kelmer] and I  believe that Bill Jenkins (in Florida) was the one who told us 
his  wishes. This was back in 2009.

Having said that,  here is what I would like from each one of you to 
refresh my old lady  mind.  I feel like I have aged a lifetime over the last 4 
years  after losing my husband and unable to live with family any  longer.

* Name 

* Age

* Date of injury

* Town and state where you are from (unless you would  just like to state 
the state you are living in).

* Are you a quad or a para? If you are a quad ...  what level of injury are 

* Complete or incomplete  injury? 

And any other information you would like to offer.  Thanks a bunch in 

Best to you  all!

Lori Michaelson -  age 51. How did that happen?!?!!!
C4/5 complete quad,  36 1/2 years post. Unable to drive.

I can feed myself if  prepared and placed in front of me. Food needs to be 
cut up if  necessary.

Grew up in a small  town in New York State and lived there for 36 years but 
after meeting  my husband he got transferred a couple times which first 
took us to  Virginia and then to Tucson Arizona.
I was devastated  with his unexpected passing at only 63 years old on June 
11, 2012 and  over 90% of me went with him.
Went to live with  sister and brother-in-law in northeastern Pennsylvania 
for 3 years  but, despite hiring morning and evening caregivers ... my sister 
and  brother-in-law wanted me to move on for a myriad of reasons but  
primarily because my sister began having venous stasis and my  brother-in-law 
wanted his house back without people coming and  going. 

Needless to say I am  very disappointed in them because they very well 
could have taken me  on longer. I had I known it was only going to be for 3 
years (even  though was an emergency situation as I had nowhere to go) I wish I 
had  found a live-in caregiver in Tucson where my husband and I have been  
living for 11 years.

Landed back in  Tucson Arizona with a live-in caregiver in January 2016.

My story is a long  one but I will stop there.


"Petting, scratching and cuddling a dog could be soothing  to the mind and 
heart and deep meditation and almost as good for the  soul as prayer." ~Dean 



"Petting, scratching and cuddling a dog could be soothing to  the mind and 
heart and deep meditation and almost as good for the soul as  prayer." ~Dean 

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