Your story is inspirational!! Congrats on surviving those 50 years! I'm a quad 
as a result of a boating accident. I went in to the cuddy to sleep and woke up 
as a quad. All above were fine. We hit a breakwall at night. It was a brand new 
boat without a spot light yet installed.The breakwall wasn't lit either. I 
think I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
This being 26 years ago, boats still are still not being sold with spot lights. 
The breakwall is WELL lit now. I think my lawsuit and accident helped others 
from being hurt in the same way in that area, (well traveled/entrance to Lake 
Erie) due to the now lit breakwall.
 Maybe the lord used me for that purpose. 
My husband and attorney went to a boat show and was told the cuddy was 
completely safe while moving...well folks, it's not! it also is the crush zone. 
If you have loved ones whom own a pleasure boat, never let them down there 
while in motion. It could be something as simple as a sand bar! 

The Lord always put              you in the right place at exactly the right 
time. In the              1970s and early 1980s our country had a gas crisis. 
One of              the things jumping in popularity was the citizens band      
        radio. This was the start of my journey into the              
electronics field. The Lord guided me to treat my              customers with 
respect and honesty. I definitely followed              his lead. We migrated 
from consumer electronics into              business communications, then into 
the public service. In              1998, when we sold the business, we had 
serviced fire              equipment through our mail in division to 49

-----Original Message-----
From: Bryce Willis <>
To: quad-list <>
Sent: Fri, Jul 8, 2016 10:44 pm
Subject: Fwd: [QUAD-L] 50 years

Keep on chooglin' Glenn! You really are an inspiration, my friend. Better not 
slow down though. Bobbie and I are right behind you at 45 years post!

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: Bobbie Humphreys <>
Date: July 8, 2016 at 6:34:00 PM EDT
To: Eric Olson <>
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 50 years

We're all standing on your shoulders 
Thank you

Smile Everyday

On Jul 8, 2016, at 2:14 PM, Eric Olson <> wrote:

Nicely done.  What level are you?
On 7/8/2016 12:29 PM,      wrote:
On Sunday, July 10, I              will have reached a milestone. I have not 
known many              people with severe spinal cord injuries reaching this   
           milestone. On July 10 it will be 50 years post spinal cord           
   injury. In the past, those on the world of  quadriplegics were not           
   expected to reach this milestone. In fact, in 1968 after 2              ½ 
years post injury, my parents made the decision to bring              me home 
from the Elizabethtown Cripple Children’s              Hospital.  The           
   head nurse took my father aside and gave him some advice.  Her advice, take 
him              home, buy him a television and wait for him to die. It         
     sounds cruel, but the thinking in the 1960s was              quadriplegics 
do not survive a long life.
There are several              reasons I have reached this milestone, the first 
is by the              grace of God and second is the Vietnam War. During the   
           Vietnam War the MASH units were advanced              resulting in 
many soldiers returning home severely wounded              with many spinal 
cord injuries and our government pushed              research on how to better 
their lives.
Throughout the years              after 1966, many trials, tragedies, blessings 
and lessons              were learned. The 2 ½ years I spent in Elizabethtown   
           Hospital helped prepare me for these 50 years. Being              
exposed to all kinds of children with illnesses, injuries              and 
birth defects helped prepare me for a life much              different than I 
would’ve ever dreamed.
Starting a small              business in the early 1970s seem to reinforce the 
fact              that with God’s help I could do anything. I believe that      
        physical issues or injuries to a person when they are              
young gives them the stamina and drive to succeed.
I wanted to work in              electronics, but was encouraged by OVR (Office 
of              vocational rehabilitation) not to go into this field.  I always 
was              interested in electronics and enjoyed making things spark.     
         I told my OVR counselor, if you were not helping me to              
take a correspondence course, I would pay for it myself.              The Lord 
put the need on people’s hearts and I would take              money sent to me 
in get well cards and put that toward a              correspondence course. 
After I had completed three              quarters of the course, the counselor 
realized I was              serious and OVR paid the last part of my education.
The Lord always put              you in the right place at exactly the right 
time. In the              1970s and early 1980s our country had a gas crisis. 
One of              the things jumping in popularity was the citizens band      
        radio. This was the start of my journey into the              
electronics field. The Lord guided me to treat my              customers with 
respect and honesty. I definitely followed              his lead. We migrated 
from consumer electronics into              business communications, then into 
the public service. In              1998, when we sold the business, we had 
serviced fire              equipment through our mail in division to 49
Throughout the years I              learned many lessons, some hard and some 
easy, but I              learned that God was guiding my life. In the mid-1990s 
my              wife had a hip replacement surgery go bad and as she was        
      my main caregiver, outside people were hired taking pretty              
much everything we had saved. No bitterness, this is God’s              plan, 
suck it up and follow him. That has been pretty much              what I have 
done all my life.
The last two years              have been quite a roller coaster ride. There 
were days              that I did not believe I would make it through, other 
days              I felt like I could lick the world. Things are still          
    happening physically, but we keep our focus on Him and we              take 
each day as it comes.
I’ve been on            the quadlist, probably over 20 years and many times 
found            information from others helpful.
I’m going to            “ suck it up”, 51 is only 365 days away.
Glenn Henry

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