I am presently using X 10 to operate lights and fans, but I would like to
switch to a newer system because X 10 is becoming more and more difficult
to acquire and it isn't that effective any longer.

I purchased an Amazon Echo, but I'd like to get a hub which can work with
different devices in order to open locks, operate door openers if possible,
turn on lights and fans. I would eventually like to switch over to
something I can operate with my cell phone, but right now my phone doesn't
work well with Google Now. So I am currently using Dragon Mobile Assistant
to make all of my phone calls and text messages, but this doesn't really
give me full access to my mobile phone.

I would generally just like some feedback on what's good, price effective
and actually works well. It would be a plus if it's not too difficult to
set up.

I'm thinking about purchasing the device which allows me to operate TV and
things like that with echo, but I'm wondering if you have to have one for
each area your operating. I also don't like the fact that you have to tell
echo to turn on something through whatever the name of the device is. I
presently just have to activate my ECU, then give the TV command and say
turn on and then I can do a multitude of things from there.

Hopefully this isn't too confusing.

So basically I just like to know what you're using with your echo and what
you recommend. I would really rather not reinvent the wheel, if you know
what I mean.

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