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#yiv5120397580 Rep. Zeldin Holds Press Conference
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August 31, 2016
Wheelchair Accessories Legislation Gains Support 

CRT Stakeholders and Friends,

Yesterday Representative Lee Zeldin (R-NY), the House sponsor of our complex 
wheelchair accessories bill H.R.3229, held a press conference at The Children's 
Center at United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) of Long Island, a school for students 
with developmental disabilities. The purpose of the press conference was to 
call for Congress to pass H.R.3229 this year, legislation that he labeled as a 
"must pass" bill to protect access for people with disabilities.  Other CRT 
stakeholders in attendance also spoke in support. These included Stephen 
Friedman, President and CEO of UCP of Long Island; Rolf Walter, a 50 year 
client of UCP who uses a CRT power wheelchair; and Linda Bollinger-Lunger, a 
physical therapist with Long Island Select Healthcare who has been delivery CRT 
seating and mobility for 17 years. All three did a very good job in emphasizing 
the critical need to protect access to CRT and for Congress to pass this bill. 
The press conference was well attended and Representative Zeldin was joined by 
local elected officials, staff of UCP of Long Island, residents from UCP of 
Long Island's 31 homes, advocates for individuals with disabilities, and 
members of the community. You can view the 20 minute press conference here and 
the related press release can be found here.  In addition to the press 
conference, national consumer, patient, and clinician organizations have once 
again communicated in writing to Congress urging passage of H.R.3229/S.2196. 

The Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) sent a supporting letter 
signed by 26 national organizations to Congress on August 18th. The ITEM 
Coalition followed up with a similar letter signed by 37 national organizations 
on August 25th. Those letters can be found and downloaded here.   
We sincerely thank Representative Zeldin and the members of the CCD and the 
ITEM Coalition for their continued leadership and support. 
These positive developments come at an excellent time and let Congress know 
this legislation must be passed this year. The documents and information can be 
shared as part of your follow up with the offices of your Representative and 
Senators. We need all 3 of your Members signed on as co-sponsors to build on 
this momentum! Congress will be back in session starting next Tuesday for most 
of September and next week is the ideal time for follow up. Use the resources 
at www.access2crt.org to see if your Members have signed on and to make 
additional outreach as needed. |

| Regards,

Donald E. ClaybackExecutive Director | NCART
Office 716-839-9728 | Cell 716-913-4754
dclayb...@ncart.us |www.ncart.us
P.S. If you know of other CRT stakeholders who would like to receive these 
types of updates please have them sign up at the NCART website.  |



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