Ha ha ha


From: Robert Vogel [mailto:rhvsh...@me.com] 
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2016 8:20 AM
To: Quadius <quad...@gmail.com>
Cc: greg <g...@eskimo.com>; quad-list <quad-list@eskimo.com>
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh


I see my dermatologist once a year to do a mole check.  The cost of living a 
life of skiing, sailing, and surfing—

as well as being fair skinned.


Last check up she saw a few brown spots on my back and said “you are getting 
some wisdom areas”.  I replied,

“umm, what is a wisdom area?”  She said “I used to call them age spots but it 
seemed to make my patients sad,

so I tell them the start to appear with age and wisdom.”   Works for me…



On Sep 10, 2016, at 9:12 PM, Quadius <quad...@gmail.com 
<mailto:quad...@gmail.com> > wrote:


I've got a few on my chest which of just appeared over the last six months and 
they say their sunspots. Strange, my chest hasn't seen the sun in 21 years.

Maybe next time I'm at the dermatologists I can get them to burn them off with 
all of the other stuff :-)


On Sat, Sep 10, 2016 at 8:44 PM, greg <g...@eskimo.com <mailto:g...@eskimo.com> 
> wrote:


I am getting big spots on my hands, he called them Gingersnaps, liver spots, 
and sun kisses.

Dime size dark red/brown. Had them checked to be safe, no problems.

I spend sooo much time in the sun, I worry a bit about skin cancer.





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