Yes, I've experienced something similar when I've worn a cap for extended 
periods of time. When it's cold I sometimes even start out with a knit cap in 
I'm not making light of your situation, but have you ever considered shaving 
your head? I know that could be a drastic step for many people.

      From: greg <>
 Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2016 7:08 PM
 Subject: [QUAD-L] Head Itch, Ache
<!--#yiv1892034591 body{font-family:'Arial';font-size:14pt;}#yiv1892034591 
p{display:block;margin:0.00in;}#yiv1892034591 body{}-->My head itched so bad, 
the dermatologist gave me a special shampoo. But I realized it's not really 
itchy like normal. Though it feels so good when scratched. It's more like hurt 
hair. Ever have your hair hurt? I'm sure it's not really the hair, but feels 
that way. 2 things are causing it that I know of. One is when my hair is bent 
back on my pillow. Then my scalp hurts when I move my hair. Second thing is I 
have a cowlick on the top/back of my scalp. My hair grows in a backwards 
direction in 1 area. It really makes my hair / scalp hurt when touched. And 
Itch. Greg


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