Sounds just like a physical therapist.  I'm sure that a Dentist who  have 
said the same.  Physical Therapist, normally work with muscles and  
nerves.... and that is a lot of responsibility.  Occupational Therapist,  are 
and certified for daily living, like wheelchairs, home upgrades,  seating 
specialist or driving rehab specialist.  A proper pressure and heat  sensor 
map, in the hands of an artist (occupational therapist) can reduce  excessive 
pressure and hot spots on your butt area before any serious injury  occurs.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 11/22/2016 1:12:58 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:


I have had pressure mapping done several times when it was offered at no  
cost or covered by my insurance, but I seriously question its value.

First, the mapping results are only applicable to the exact conditions  
when the mapping occurred, including your relative position (front, back,  
left, right, upright or reclined at all), what ever you are sitting on, your  
weight, clothing, and possibly other factors I have not thought of. Even small 
 deviations of any of these factors can change the results.

Second, most pressure mapping reveals the obvious. Most have greater  
pressure under their ischial tuberosity (butt bone) than anywhere else. You  
have more or less on one side or the other, but again, it all comes back  to 
how and where you are sitting and all the other factors mentioned above at  
the time of the mapping.

Do I think pressure mapping is worthless? No, but I think its value is  
overstated. I asked a physical therapist specializing in wheelchair seating  
who has worked at one of the nation's premier SCI rehab facilities for nearly  
30 years what he thought of pressure mapping. He said he thinks it's a way 
for  them to make money and for the administration to show something visual 
when  doing facility tours, but provides marginal value at best.

I'm guessing you will get plenty of responses extolling its  virtues.

Steve - C4, 28 years

On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 12:49 PM, glenn henry <_gah17582@gmail.com_ 
( > wrote:


Has anyone on the site been pressure mapped? If  so do you think that it 
helped in anyway?

With the price of some  items coming out at a lower price, does anyone have 
a unit that they  purchase for home use?



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