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------ Original message------From: Josh Nelson, CREDO Action Date: Tue, Nov 29, 
2016 6:50 AMTo: Judy Meredith;Subject:Sign the petition: Don’t privatize 
                                                Stop Republicans in Congress 
from gutting Medicare.Petition to Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and Donald Trump:
"Do not cut, privatize, weaken or otherwise damage Medicare or Social Security. 
We should expand these successful programs – not cut them."Add your name:       
          Dear Judy,Medicare is a fundamental tool of economic security – a 
guarantee that seniors will not be denied health care just because they can’t 
afford it. But Republicans in Congress, led by House Speaker Paul Ryan and 
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, are making plans right now to privatize 
Medicare and hand it over to greedy insurance companies.1The fight over the 
future of Medicare could come to a head as soon as the next session of Congress 
starts in January. Add your name to our petition now and Sen. Bernie Sanders 
will deliver it to Republicans in Congress next week. We need to make it clear 
that any attempt to privatize, cut, weaken or damage Medicare or Social 
Security is completely unacceptable.Sign the petition: Stop the Republican 
attack on Medicare. Click here to sign the petition.Speaker Ryan has wanted to 
destroy Medicare for years. His ultimate goal is to end Medicare as we know it 
and replace it with a privatized program in which seniors would get federal 
vouchers to help offset the cost of premiums charged by commercial insurance 
plans. It’s a trick designed to create the appearance of cutting costs by 
shifting some of the financial burden from the federal government to America’s 
seniors.During the campaign, Trump repeatedly pledged that he would not attack 
Medicare. But then, just two weeks after the election, his senior adviser 
Kellyanne Conway admitted that he would “take a look at Speaker Ryan’s 
proposal.”2 One thing’s for certain: We can’t trust Trump, Rep. Ryan or Sen. 
McConnell to do what’s right for America’s seniors.House Democratic Leader 
Nancy Pelosi is adamant that Democrats in Congress will remain united in 
opposing the imminent Republican attack on Medicare.3 But with Republicans in 
control of the White House and both chambers of Congress, we need a powerful 
show of grassroots opposition now to show Rep. Ryan, Sen. McConnell and Trump 
that we won’t tolerate any attacks on Medicare or the rest of our social safety 
net.Sign the petition: Stop the Republican attack on Medicare. Click here to 
sign the petition.Thanks for everything you do.Josh Nelson, Deputy Political 
CREDO Action from Working Assets        Add your name:                    
Michael Hiltzik, "Paul Ryan is Determined to Gut Medicare. This Time he Might 
Succeed," Los Angeles Times, Nov. 23, 2016.Matt Shuham, "Conway: Trump Will 
Look At Paul Ryan's Plan, Other Medicare 'Alternatives' (VIDEO)," Talking 
Points Memo, Nov. 23, 2016.Greg Sargent, "Democrats Will Hold Firm Against Paul 
Ryan’s Medicare Plan, Pelosi Vows," The Washington Post, Nov. 21, 2016..        
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