Welcome Annette!  What have you done since? There are so many here  willing 
to share their stories and experiences.  Again, Welcome.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 12/16/2016 5:58:54 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
atsxn...@mchsi.com writes:

I heard about this group from a friend and she thought I would benefit  
from like she does.
My name is Annette.  I am a level C 5/6/7 break.  My spinal  cord has only 
a few strains still connected. 
I had my accident May 30th 1981 just after my Junior year of high  school.  
I am a 35 plus year survivor.
I don’t mind being asked questions about my accident and life since so if  
someone is interested just ask.
I look forward to being part of this group.

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