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    My gosh Julie, what you have had to go through! So sorry😳 however I have a 
stupid question, do you now have to use two bags? For both bowel and bladder?
Sent from my LG Mobile

------ Original message------From: Julie Napper Date: Sat, May 6, 2017 6:25 
PMTo: Carrie Pinter;quad-list;Subject:RE: [QUAD-L] Females! Do you use ostomy 
pouches for urine only?
Hi Carrie,
Here goes.
1. 54 years old
2. I had an indwelling catheter 
3.  I had a few complications.  First, I lost blood, so I was given blood 
afterwards.   Second, my bowels did not want to wake up. So, after 3 or 4 days, 
I had a NG tube put in my nose, which was horrible!!  I was fed by IV.  After 
about 1 1/2 weeks, my bowels woke up and I went home.  Then, I was admitted to 
the hospital a week later because my blood count was low, which made me feel 
really bad.  It turned out that the NG tube gave my stomach an ulcer.  That was 
an easy fix with giving me more blood and medication that I took for a few 
months. I was in the hospital 2 days  No bleeding since.
My bladder was removed and my female organs.  The cancer didn't go beyond my 
bladder wall.  
4. My life is easier in the sense that I don't have to worry about my catheter 
plugging, leaking or being pulled out.  Before the cancer was found, I was 
leaking really bad, more than I ever did.  But, someone still has to change my 
pouch twice a week or more, depending on if it leaks.   I use a leg and bed bag 
as before, so nothing new there.  I thunk it's turning out to be better than 
having a catheter.   It saved my life. 
5.  My stoma area is healrhy.  I've had a few UTi's.  Also, when I had a CT 
scan done last December, it was determined my left urether was a little narrow, 
but putting a stent in for a few months cured that.  I'm having another scan 
next month, so hopefully it's all good.
Sorry this was so long, but I hope it's useful info .  If I forgot anything, 
I'll let you know. 

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab®4-------- Original message --------
From: Carrie Pinter > 
Date: 5/5/2017 4:20 PM (GMT-07:00) 
To: 'Julie Napper' >, wheelch...@aol.com, 'quad-list' >
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Females! Do you use ostomy pouches for urine only? 

Quad and cancer?? Wow, that’s rough, but I bet you’re a trooper.Thanks for 
replying. Are you willing to answer these questions?Approximately how old were 
you when you had the operation? I was 29.How did you urinate prior to the 
operation? I had an indwelling catheter.Did the operation go smoothly? Did you 
have complications afterward? I didn’t.Has your life been easier having the 
ostomy bag? Is it easier to empty? Has it made you more independent? Yes to 
all, for me.Is the stoma-area still healthy ? Any infections or any other 
problems in the last couple years? This is a no for me, and I’ve had it for 16 
years.Thank you again. I’m really looking for honesty about your experience, so 
If you want to answer any of these I’d appreciate it. If not, I totally get 
it.Have a great weekend 😊Carrie  From: Julie Napper [mailto:jnapp...@msn.com] 
Sent: Friday, May 5, 2017 4:00 PM
To: wheelch...@aol.com; quad-list >; Carrie Pinter >
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Females! Do you use ostomy pouches for urine only? I had 
a urostomy done in October 2015, due to bladder cancer. Julie c4-5 
From:wheelch...@aol.com <wheelch...@aol.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 4, 2017 4:51 PM
To: cpinte...@comcast.net; quad-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Females! Do you use ostomy pouches for urine only? Most, 
who actually use that system are those with Spna Bifida, rather than Spinal 
Cord Injury.  Granted, there are a few, but far between. Consider some of the 
other methods, Supra-pubicIndwellingTexas CathSelf Taps Cath. Best Wishes In a 
message dated 5/4/2017 5:44:52 P.M. Central Daylight Time,cpinte...@comcast.net 
writes:Hi ladies,Do you, or any paralyzed woman you know, have a urostomy bag? 
I’m researching quads who urinate through a stoma into the bag, and then simply 
empty the bag, rather than catheterizng through the stoma (aka, umbilicus 
urostomy).I’m not finding much research on the topic, but I thought of all of 
you!I’d appreciate any experience or info you might have.Thank you so very 

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