I love my mid wheel, turns in place. My 1st chair was 21st Century, read wheel, LOVED it, but only because is was 14mph.
Im getting a new chair now, but insurence wont cover seat elavators, or speed package.
Can be as much as 6, or 7,000. I have to have the seat raising to transfer.

> 8:27 AM (7 hours ago)
> to greg, wheelchair, quad-list
> I am thinking of getting a new power chair. I like the mid-wheel
> Permobil. Have any tried a  rear wheel drive or front wheel drive? 
> I live in a small house so do not have a lot of room to turn etc.
> What is the better chair for a small area? Thanks for any help. 
> Rose
> Hello Rose
> About a year and a half ago I got a Permobile F5 VS (vertical
> standing) front-wheel-drive power chair with sip and puff controls
> (because it is a standing chair there is no other option).
> Personally, I've had a fair amount of mechanical issues with it,
> but that's another story. As I understand it is a new model for
> them, and they're working out the kinks. Well it's been slow my
> wheelchair provider and Permobile have been and are still working
> on it. With no additional charges from either company.
> In the past I've had Invacare's, first one was real wheel second
> one was mid-wheel. I much preferred the mid-wheel in every way,
> handling, traction/going over stuff, tight spots/areas etc.
> The front-wheel-drive that I presently have now goes over stuff
> better than anything I've had. I think probably because there is no
> front wheels except the drive wheels, so the drive wheels don't
> have push the smaller wheels over first in the drive wheels being
> bigger tend to climb over things better. If you happen to look at a
> VS on their website there are wheels in front but they do not go
> down to floor level until you go into the standing option, for
> stability.
> On my VS I believe the backend may stick out further than a regular
> front-wheel-drive (you could check their website). Because the
> backend is out so far you really have to watch the cornering
> because it likes to run into everything, corners, chairs, cars, you
> name it.
> However and take corners of front-wheel-drive works differently
> than the mid-wheel. It turns sharp enough but instead of swinging
> wide to take the turn you come in close and take a sharp turn. Say,
> you are going down the hall of the house and the bathroom door was
> on the left, you would stay close to the left wall and then take
> pretty much of 90° turn. But if you don't get close enough to the
> left wall your backend hits into the right wall ( think of a woman
> with a BIG bustle on her dress).
> With that in mind, say you drive up along the kitchen counter on
> your right side close enough to reach or see something. When you go
> to leave the counter and try to go to the left, your backend likes
> to run into the kitchen counter that you're trying to get away from.
> With my front-wheel-drive I had to get used to the backend feeling
> kind of squirrely/snaky at higher speeds.
> My Permobile and I've heard of others has a nice backrest with nice
> support of back and sides, but as with most chairs you have to get
> all the way back in the seat.
> I would suggest that if you like the mid-wheel or believe you would
> like it, I would go with that.
> But that's just one guys opinion.
> Good luck, Randy

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