Its so hard to pin point the pain, its a big area. Some times I think its dead center. just below belly button. Some times its slightly right, above belly button. Its stabbing and twisting. I push, twist, nothing helps. It always hurts, but can get worse at times. I thought for sure it was something causing gas pain, but it showed no gas. Stomach groans a lot. But  just want to double over. Hope my Uro can get me it soon, No idea if its that. But thought maybe get my bladder scoped. Stones should have showen on Cat-Scan with contrast.

I hate going to ER, it seem so often they can't help. A CatScan shows nothing, Go home, see your Primary Monday. Primary can't do much so they send you to a Uro, if nothing, stomach doc, etc. ER should be able to bladder scope when the person is bent over in pain. Sure Catscan showed no stones, but only 2 things really cause this feeling in me, bowel or bladder issues in s ome way. Antibiotics have when taking for a UTI but this started before the Antibiotics.
My pooper looks fine, My pee'er is working (for peeing anyway). Maybe ulcer, but never had that issue before. I tried eating, drinking, things recommended for it just incase, no change.
My only idea is maybe the SP cath is causing an issue. I know I had a red spot on my bladder wall caused from the cath. Could the incision have an issue inside. Just running out of ideas. It was so bad Sat I thought maybe my appendix burst. But no fevers yet.

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