Here is a letter I wrote a while back to a company that does stem cell therapy 
and makes a lot of claims of false hope among the paralyzed. If anyone on the 
list has a different opinion, I would LOVE to hear it!


Asterias scientists:

As the wife of a man with a C3 cervical spinal cord injury, I read your claims 
of research with stem cells with a great amount of hope - until I learned that 
these stem cells were administered within 30 days of injury. My husband didn't 
move a thing for three months after his injury and then slowly started 
recovering function from an incomplete injury thereafter. But because the level 
of mobility experienced by a spinal cord injury patient is UNKNOWN and cannot 
be predicted, how do you know that stem cells were responsible for the mobility 
recovered? Many incomplete patients make a full recovery when SCI is severe, 
while others recover little to no function (like my husband now 3 years post 
injury) even though he only had one broken C3 vertebra that "tipped" into the 

IF indeed you (or any of the other stem cell companies) start doing clinical 
trials on patients post-injury (say more than  2 years post injury) and you see 
promising results, then I would be excited. Sadly, I have found no clinical 
trials doing this - I wonder why? It is extremely depressing that companies 
continue to bombard the media with these miraculous stories that are indeed not 
at all miraculous if you know something about spinal cord injury at all. Sadly, 
the public is misinformed.

My husband would be THRILLED to have an opportunity to try stem cell therapy 3 
years post-injury. If you know of anyone doing work in this area, please let us 


Gail Overton
Phoenix, AZ
P:  603.305.4756

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