Be careful……………..if you have a spastic bladder, pain meds can back up in your 
system due to not being processed well in your liver/kidney and you can 
overdose and be very sleepy. My husband was hospitalized for this 3 times until 
they finally figured it out……………

From: Bryce Willis []
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2017 7:18 PM
Subject: Fwd: [QUAD-L] Sleep During Day

I take three oxy 40s per day....6am, 2pm, 11pm. I do have days that I cannot 
stay the last three days. I also take Paxil and ditropan. I assume 
these meds are the cause of my drowsiness but I don’t really know.
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Begin forwarded message:
Resent-From: <<>>
From: Bobbie Humphreys 
Date: October 12, 2017 at 8:55:44 PM EDT
To: greg <<>>
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Sleep During Day
I take 10mgs of morphine per day but am prescribed to take as much as 30mgs per 

I don't OD, but would like to, but sleep a lot!

I find it difficult to concentrate or have energy

I talked to my pain guy about getting off the morphine but he said "You didn't 
want to do that, believe me."


"Be the change you want to see in the world". Gandhi

On Oct 12, 2017, at 7:22 PM, greg <<>> 
I think its been a couple years now when I O.D. I was taking my pain meds and 
then started Baclofen. After a few days and the Baclofen built up in my system, 
no one could wake me up. I finely wake-up and the Fire Department and Aide Guys 
are there. Gave me Narcan. It basically is a narcotic antidote. That's how they 
know it's the meds.

Anyway, about 4 days a week, about 1 pm, I can not stay awake. At least people 
can wake me up. But I try and stay awake but I feel like I'm doped up. After an 
hour, I'm fine again. I would think its my pain meds, but I take then in the 
morning then at 2. So they are just about warn off by then.

I've stayed up all night, been super tired, but it still just seems different 
than normal tired. I don't think its meds. I would think it would be closer to 
when you took them.

Anyone else have this issue?


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