That sounds like nerve pain to me, are you taking anything for nerve pain? Have 
you been on nerve pain meds a long time? Maybe you built up a tolerance to it 
and need a higher dose? I’m on Lyrica for mine 150MG/day if I remember 
correctly. The dreams are the only thing I don’t remember having…


From: Greg [] 
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2018 6:42 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Leg Pain


The last few days my thighs have hurt so bad. Just throbbing. I wake up 
dreaming my legs are being crushed. It goes away for awhile, but comes back 
just out of nowhere. Hard to describe the feeling. Kind of like my muscles are 
stuck flexing, kind of like they are wrapped in something too tight, or a vice 
is squeezing them. But they are relaxed, no spasms, not tight. Errrr


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