I cant understand how this can change in the matter of a few days but it did. 
Im home alone most days and have little help. ive got to keep the foley in a 
month, then the deciding starts. Im sure when they pull the foley that the 
catherization tube will slip in at first. Will it stay that 
way.............probally not. Im on Flomax now and oxybutin, im hoping that 
helps.............not sure if it will. I don't fully understand why the 
spincter is spasming or staying closed. I guess I will try anything to get it 
working, but at some point Im going to have to look into a superpubic. I cant 
see how a condom cathe could work very well long term, and wont work at all 
without removing the spincter. I just don't want to make the wrong decision. 
Ive already screwed up on my syrinx and letting the docs put a patch in my 
stomach after my appendix burst in 2011. I just want to know when the smoke 
clears if the superpubic sucks that I did all I could to keep what little life 
I have rolling. I have very little support guys. Thanks for the help. 

    On Tuesday, May 1, 2018 12:13 PM, Quad Dude <thequadd...@gmail.com> wrote:

 Hi Ron,
The only 2 alternative solutions I can think of will likely be unappealing to 
Since it appears your bladder sphincter is clamping down too hard, you could 
get a sphincterotomy which debilitates the bladder sphincter and allows for the 
free flow of urine, however, you would need to wear an external (condom) 
catheter from that point forward.
Another possibly more appealing solution could be to get a suprapubic catheter 
placement. This is done through a simple surgical procedure which creates a 
pathway from your abdomen directly to your bladder and your bladder would empty 
through this pathway via a Foley catheter. The side benefit of this method of 
bladder management is it "frees Willie" and can make day to day management a 
bit easier. The procedure is also reversible as the passageway from the abdomen 
to your bladder will close on its own over a relatively short period of time 
(multiple hours or days) if you remove the Foley catheter.
These may have already been discussed with your urologist. I definitely 
encourage getting 2nd opinions before opting for any surgical procedures, 
urology or otherwise.
I hope you find an acceptable solution that works for you.
Steve - C4, 30 years, auto accident
On Tue, May 1, 2018 at 4:37 AM, RONALD L PRACHT <r.pra...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

 Im a c7 quad, 20 years post that has been straight cathing for 20 years with 
little issue. Three years ago I started leaking a bit but just dealt with it 
until the tubes wouldn't go in( pass sphincter) without an hour of pushing and 
sometimes 5 tries. 3 months ago things got so bad that my bladder was full and 
I couldn't insert the tube at all and my body went into severe autonomic 
dysreflexia. I was taken by ambulance to the hospital and they inserted a foley 
for 3 weeks. After the foley was taken out they gave me some antibiotics and 
the tube was slipping in like butter for the next 8 days. Out of nowhere the 
tube started getting harder and harder to get in until it was near impossible. 
I was put on that drug that stops or decreases bladder spasms back at theĀ 
urologist visit after the emergency room deal. Went back to the urologist today 
and they had to give me the nurse, she tried to run a cathe tube in me but it 
wouldn't go so she tried a caude cathe tube with the bent tip. this got through 
and urine came out but lots of blood came out as well which never has happened. 
Finally the doc came in and tried to get a foley in and finally did after 
awhile. The blood wasn't coming from the bladder, it must have knicked a wall. 
My last urologist visit they ran a camera in and it looked great no false 
passage or issues. The question is why is the tube not getting past the 
internal spincter? I suggested trying Flomax and im already on oxybutynin. if 
there is no blockage or false passage then the spincter has to be in spasm or 
not opening right? What else should I do? I have this foley now for a month 
that I didn't want but I got anyway. I guess if I take the Flomax and 
oxybutynin and after the four weeks remove the foley and im sure the tube will 
go in but within a week it might start giving me trouble again. I don't really 
understand how the spincter could give me this much trouble and if it is what 
else I can do. I fear that im going to get a permanent bag soon because they 
are tired of me. maybe they can rescope me to be sure next time as 
well........im at a loss.



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