I can relate to your issue, I prefer the temperature to be very hot!But for 
some reason, when it gets too hot in my room, I start having problems 
breathing!!??Anyone else have trouble?It took a long time, but I think that I 
figured out what was happening!If the room gets too hot, I start having trouble 
breathing!!So at night, I raise the head of my bed to about 35 degrees. And 
that has been working for several months. Hope all of you are doing well!

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  On Sun, May 13, 2018 at 1:35 PM, Greg<g...@eskimo.com> wrote:    I prefer 
warm. I moved from Seattle to the Phoenix area, just to get warm. Summers are a 
bit much, but better too hot than too cold. I can sit in the shade outside for 
hours, even when it's 100, no problem.
 Though 75-80 is great.
 On 5/12/2018 3:04 PM, Ismael Cavazos wrote:
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In Texas Brownsville South Texas we are 90 to and were not even summer yet I 
prefer cold weather how about you guys what you prefer take your God bless you

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