"EVV is a tracking system that requires electronic verification of when a
person receives Medicaid-funded personal care services. States are required
to put EVV systems in place by January 1, 2019. As states are beginning to
put in place EVV systems, people with disabilities are very concerned that
EVV systems will violate their privacy and limit their independence.

On May 16, 2018, the Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services (CMS) issued
guidance about EVV.  Many questions and concerns remain. On May 22, 2018, a
bipartisan bill on EVV were introduced in Congress – H.R. 5912 in the
House, S. 2897 in the Senate. These bills would extend the deadline for
implementing EVV for personal care services for a year, and require EVV
regulations to be published.  The proposed delay is an important step and
will give advocates more time to work with Congress, CMS and states to
address the significant concerns with EVV and its potential impact on
people with disabilities.  Learn more about the bill and what you can do."


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