> My name is Carle Ray, and I am a Ph.D. candidate for Walden University, an
> online university. My research is a qualitative study involving Pressure
> Ulcer Prevention Guidelines and the insights of Quadriplegic Individuals,
> which may help improve the existing guidelines. I have been approved by the
> Institutional Review Board of Walden University to collect data in the form
> of interviews with quadriplegic individuals. My IRB approval number is
> 10-09-17-0296679. I have 30 years of experience with quadriplegic clients
> and the disabled concerning care and personal friendship. I am seeking your
> assistance in recruiting quadriplegic participants to interview for my
> study. These interviews will last approximately one hour, and help to give
> a voice to the spinal cord injury community that may have not occurred in
> the formulation of the pressure ulcer prevention guidelines. There will be
> a $25 gift card for each quadriplegic individual who completes the process.
> There will be complete transparency during this process, and total access
> to all personal interviews and study information of participants. Also, all
> participants will have access to Walden University and my doctoral
> supervisor. My email is carle....@waldenu.edu  I look forward to working
> with quadriplegic individuals to improve the Pressure Ulcer Prevention
> Guidelines in hospitals and nursing homes and to prevent Adverse Events for
> all vulnerable individuals. I am particularly interested in quadriplegic
> individuals who developed a pressure wound while in the hospital or a
> nursing home.

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