Hello!!In the evening, I just call my other half's name, we have separate 
rooms, but very close.But when it's in the middle of the night, I will call my 
mother on the phone,  She likes with us but in the other side of the house. She 
is my full time caregiver. He works 40+++ hours a week, so after he gets off 
work, he takes care of me until time for bed!
Hopefully I have helped you a little bit??
•~•♤•~• LittleQuad  •~•♡•~•

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Tue, Jul 3, 2018 at 12:51 PM, Ismael Cavazos<ismaelcavaz...@gmail.com> 
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Hello guys I have a question for the quads that are paralyzed from the neck 
down if your caregiver or the person that take care you and you are in bed and 
that person is in the other room instead of calling them by their name do you 
use some type of device to call them at night's to call them to wake him up 
when you need something thank you and God bless you


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