Hey guys,
Im a c7 quad coming up on 21 years post. Ive done the every other day bowell 
routine on a bowell chair. I use majic bullets with bisacodyl and miralax the 
night b4. im on a bunch of pain meds and its slowing my system to a crawl. 
Whats the best laxatives to take to combat this?How much miralax should I take 
and when?
Wheelchair has blocked me on the list and gotten others to do so as well. I 
never knew what I had said in the past was offensive to him. I think its wrong 
to hide behind a name and do things to people without letting them know you are 
offended. Anything I said was in good humor. Thats the problem with our country 
today. Ive been on this list many years and have lots of knowledge to share, 
its a shame wheelchair feels he is god of the quadlist.

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