Well, that is great that the agency is going to report her and give you
another nurse. I am also glad that this particular nurse only *said *something
stupid, rude and ignorant - you didn't get hurt terribly physically by a
nurse like I did - twice. I have written this year on the list numerous
times but I will say it again and then what happened to me by another nurse
before that several years before that:

The first assigned nurse who changed my catheter in 2016 just 2 weeks after
moving back out to Arizona stretched my urethra beyond repair and it
required surgery. Not only did she do that but when she came out the one
and only time she was their "on-call" nurse and she didn't want to be here.
She was the most egotistic, arrogant nurse and person!  It was not until
after she left whereby I knew something right away was wrong. I knew that I
was not being able to urinate through my catheter so I asked my new live-in
caregiver (who was not yet familiar with seeing my catheter changed) to see
if my urethral catheter was actually IN. She looked and conceived the bulb
sitting right there ready to come out. The nurse had not been gone too long
so we call her right away. She didn't think it could possibly be the bulb
to the catheter and said that my aide was probably just seeing flesh
because there is a lot of flesh 'down there' with females. Well, my aide
could see that it was *not *flesh. She wasn't stupid!  The nurse said that
she had already gotten on the interstate and would have to turn around but
that's what she had to. She didn't like it but that is what she had to do.
Unfortunately, enough time had gone by and was just enough time for the
inflated bulb to stretch out my urethra too far (45 minutes).

I tried to get a lawyer and the lawyer I first spoke to said that he could
possibly help me IF I needed surgery and when I found out I did I kept
trying to call him back (he told me to call any time) he didn't return any
of my phone calls and then finally had one of his staff members that dealt
with medical malpractice called me (like he couldn't himself?) saying that
there was no way I could "prove" she did it which was the truth. So that
attorney would not help me as it would not be feasible for them to try and
prove something that couldn't be actually proven.  I tried a different
attorney and was told the same thing.  :-(

The only other time I was hurt by a nurse (and it was just as bad) was when
a nurse came when I had my pressure sore and she was required to measure it
for my doctor. Neither my husband nor I knew that she had taken a piece of
paper from her bag (and not a sterile strip for measuring things) whereby
she infected it so badly that it *spread *like any open wound exposed to
bacteria and therefore causing an infection would do so it turned into a
Stage I wound to a Stage III wound which had me bedridden for a great deal
of 3 years. It had to be debreeded by a wound doctor who turned out to be
the best doctor in the entire state but it still took 7 visits every other
week with me being in bed the rest of the time because each and every time
I would get up shearing would take place and a bubble would form which
would eventually break open. Just going over the slightest threshold did
that. Thankfully,  now all of that comprised wound area is fine but having
back-to-back bladder infections which I simply don't understand because we
are doing absolutely, unequivocally everything correctly. I just got those
infections from the hospitals I was going to or had to go to because that
type of bacteria was never present in my urine prior to going to them.

I couldn't do anything about the nurse who infected me with a strip of
paper from her bag (god knows how many homes she visits/visited back then)
because we did not realize that it was actually infected by her until it
was too late. The nurse was not so friendly anyway and then the agency gave
me an ultimatum (just because they were a-holes) and having to sign some
full document (I can't remember what it was all about now) that no one in
their right mind would sign. They said if we didn't sign it they would drop

Well, in the meantime, a nurse that became my nurse through them (*after *the
nurse who infected my wound left the agency or something) left them also
because this agency was was changing her paperwork (and she was a SUPER
nurse so why they were doing that is beyond me or her - they were just
playing evil).  Anyway, like I said, she decided to leave them and told us
privately what they were doing to her and she also told us she knew about
the letter they were putting together that they would want to have us sign
- so she said she was going to first contact an attorney (about what they
were doing to her) but then didn't want to go through that whole rigmarole
and just joined another agency and told me I should sign up with this other
agency and she could become my nurse through them. Which was what happened
and between her and my husband being my wound care specialists... my wound
slowly begin to heal even though it took a long time.

I have been very leery of nurses ever since those two extremely bad
(understatement) things happening to me by nurses and I couldn't do a damn
thing about it. I like the nurse that I have right now but sometimes she
asks me the stupidest questions or wants me to stop doing something that
has been working for me for a decade and things like that. Otherwise, she
is looking out for my best interest and does a great job of changing my SP
catheter, getting me the supplies I need, etc.

Also, unless you can find a physician or you have been in the hospital for
something... it is very hard to find an agency who will take you on full
time and that is what I need. My live-in caregiver needs all the help she
can get. My husband and I had some home health aide help before his
unexpected  passing (4 mornings a week to do my care) and we hired another
caregiver to do the other 3 mornings. So my husband had some help. We had
more help the first two years we were married (1997 through 1999) until the
Clinton administration  changed Medicare rules (I am not eligible for any
Medicaid help) whereby I used to get 2 visits every morning and every
evening, 7 days a week. After the changes were made in 1999 that was cut
back to almost zero and it's been like pulling teeth trying to get more
help so I have to pay for it all. That's what I get for going to college
and being fully employed and having my husband having a great job and now
being on his Social Security but it only goes so far when you have to pay
someone around-the-clock. When I lived with family I hired FANTASTIC
morning and evening caregivers (the original plan for me moving in with
them after my beloved husband's death) but after only 3 years the family
"share the care" set up with my 2 adult nieces, my 2 sisters and
brother-in-laws were all doing a little something - I guess that was not
enough. It was mostly my brother-in-law.

I should have known when my husband and I approached my sister if they
would consider a "family plan" if, god forbid, something were to happen to
him in her response to him at that time (2007). His heart was broken back
then when she responded like she did and saying she would never consider
such a thing and had absolutely no obligation to help me. Like I've said so
many times before here... that was a total lie when she told my mother on
her deathbed that I would be taken care of as well as my grandparents were
still alive. Underground secrets, underground family lies that no one who
actually knows them now would ever believe but it's the truth. :-(  I've
learned that the direct bloodline from my mother to my grandparents and
then my loving spouse wanted me to be taken care of and live with them but
not my sisters or their husbands!!!


On Sat, Jan 5, 2019 at 5:23 PM Bobbie Humphreys <bobbiehumphre...@gmail.com>

> So you know, I didn't say anything to the stupid nurse but I did call the
> agency and she gasped and told me she was going to report her to a
> supervisor and give me another nurse.
> Bobbie
> On Jan 5, 2019, at 6:42 PM, Jim Lubin <jlu...@eskimo.com> wrote:
> I read my mom your message, she said, "what an ignrant bitch!"
> On Sat, Jan 5, 2019 at 2:20 PM Bobbie Humphreys <
> bobbiehumphre...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I had a nurse, 3rd time here, come Tuesday.
>> She asked me
>> "How long have you been a quad"?
>> I told her  46 years and she said as she looked to the ceiling  ... very
>> loudly
>> "I thank God everyday that I'm not you"!
>> What would have said and done?
>> Bobbie

"Petting, scratching and cuddling a dog could be soothing to the mind and
heart and deep meditation and almost as good for the soul as prayer." ~Dean

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