That’s my schedule as well (M W F) and it works great for me. I also schedule 

For Tue Thurs and frees up weekend time.




From: Randy Anderson [] 
Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2019 11:29 AM
To: Raymond Kelly
Cc: Quad List
Subject: Re: FW: [QUAD-L] BOWEL PROGRAM: What works best - Magic 


After my accident in 98 I rehabbed out at Craig Institute in Denver. They used 
and suggested I use MAGIC bullet, I have ever since and it seems to work for me 
although I've never tried anything else to compare it to.
Also, I use to do my ball program every other day but switched to 3 times a 
day, Monday Wednesday Friday.
This way it frees up my weekend and I know for Tuesday and Thursday that I'm 
getting out of bed earlier on a non-bowel day, and schedule appointments or 
other things for those 2 days.
For me, it hasn't given me any problems in doing it this way. You may or may 
not want to try it.


On Sat, Mar 23, 2019 at 10:15 AM Raymond Kelly <> wrote:

I have been using Enemeez for several years now and it has been working 
fabulously. I do my bowel therapy every other day.

Raymond c3/4


Let me know what you think.

Paul c5/6

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