Hi  All, I've been having an ongoing serious problem with dysreflexia, It has 
now been going on about  20 days now....1st I went to Emergency at hospital and 
they thought it was just a bad infection and put me on cipro 500 mg.--- Then 
about 3 or 4 days of taking that nothing was any better so then my urologist 
told me to quit taking that and put me on another antibiotic called cefdinir 
200mg. and I took those for 10 days---I'm still having trouble so my family doc 
sent me for 2  different CT Scans, One with Contrast and One without but say 
they can't find nothing. I can't hardly ever lay down in bed very long or the 
A.D. gets bad and I have to spend most of my time up in my powerchair. We can't 
find anything such as bedsores or the basic things to look for. Now I'm 
starting to even get strong spasms even up in the chair. My Neurologist is 
retired so I got to find a new one. I do have syringomeyalia ( a Syrinx ) Not 
sure if that can be the problem but never getting much sleep is killing me and 
my wife. Do any of you have any idea's on this ?? Thanks, Dan H***

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