Any one of those things could cause sweating.  For me, sweating is usually
a sign of AD.  My gallbladder is full of stones too.  Has been for 35
years.  My doctor said, "ff you're ever really sick and they don't know
why, tell them you have gallstones."  Gee thanks.  I know at some point, it
will start causing me problems.  For now, if it ain't broke, don't fix it
right?  Your shoulder situation is a little scary.  It could definitely
cause sweating, but if you're not in pain... I wonder if the inaction on
your shoulder is because you're a quad.  I think if you were able bodied,
they would try to fix it.  Nobody wants to have surgery, but if it impacts
your quality of life... Tough call.

On Sun, Feb 20, 2022 at 9:58 PM Toby Ausbun <>

> My body has been sweating constantly for a yr now some days aren’t
> terrible in my chair but I’ve got a lot of things wrong with me my arm is
> dislocated and they can’t put it back in because of arthritis,rotator
> cuff’s torn in half,gallbladderfull of stones what do i do I’ve been a c4
> complete and cant take it much longer like this would take any
> suggestions???
> Sent from my iPad

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