Next FreeBSD issue.

This is not a new bug - it existed in 0.99.24 (at times when none tested compliance). This bug at least affects ISIS, but I expect it might be in some library. This works correctly on Linux.

In ISIS, Only Hello’s sent to MAX ISIS-all-level-2-ISs (01:80:c2:00:00:15) (or similar L1 MAC) should be accepted. (ISIS ISO reference is ISO/IEC 10589:1992(E), s8.4.2, p44, Broadcast subnetwork IIH PDUs)

Somehow Quagga on FreeBSD listens and accepts packets sent to any MAC address (My test sends the ISIS Hellos to MAC destination 12:23:34:45:56:67 [an unused MAC] and Quagga
incorrectly forms a neighbor)

Looks like there is a check missing for the MAC.

- Martin

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