
On 11 Jan 2017, at 22:05, Nick Hilliard wrote:

> Martin Winter wrote:
>> I don’t like to have this discussion in privacy - this isn’t about
>> me. Maybe I did something stupid or you (or community?) decided on
>> new rules for who should be on it. I think it would be beneficial to
>> everyone to have make it public on who is on the list and probably
>> why they are on the list (so it makes somehow the selection more
>> transparent.
> Martin,
> Quagga was forked recently:
> The commit logs in FRR show a good deal of activity since the split, and
> the domain seems to have been registered by Netdef.

Yes, all true. FreeRangeRouting is an attempt to do development in the
spirit of what was discussed last year. Several community members ask for
better ways to get code in (faster, more predictable) and we had these
discussions in various calls last year.

Paul decided to use his veto to not allow these changes and suggested a

> Usually forks happen after a breakdown of confidence and/or trust in the
> original project.  Without prejudice to whatever changes may have been
> made to the email address, it looks like there has
> been a serious breakdown of communications.

I tried my best to support both projects until now and didn’t see this
as competition or any rule that I wasn’t supposed to work on 2 projects
at the same time.
Full disclosure: I helped the OpenBGPd folks in the past as well with
testing infrastructure. So I might be a repeated “offender” if this is
a crime.

> It would be helpful if there were some public discussion about what's
> happened, and why.  There are a lot of people who depend on the quagga
> code base, and trust in community projects depends on transparency.

If the fork is the reason of getting kicked out, then ok. I assume Paul
has some reason, but I didn’t expect working on 2 open source projects
would be the problem.

A friendly notice to me ahead would have been good and a public statement
for the community might be even better. I was expecting to continue working
on both, but if the Quagga community rather has me stopping testing etc,
then I will respect the wishes.

The main message was less about why, but more about transparency to the

— Martin

Quagga-dev mailing list

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