
Something that (somewhat selfishly of course) I'm interested in is seeing if there is any interest in providing resources to help development of Quagga. Related to that, if there were, there'd need to be some kind of community structures in place to fairly and responsibly allocate any resources arising.

E.g., it could be an idea to setup something on Patreon or on Salt.bountysource.com (or wherever) to allow anyone who is appreciative of the work done on Quagga to help provide funding to enable more work to be done. Perhaps other ways of providing resources are possible too.

If it turned out there were people or organisations willing to fund, that would then lead to the question:

  How to properly disburse any funds arising?

I think this would need some kind of community oversight board, with a broad representation. It would need some kind of "lock" to ensure that no specific sub-community could dominate over the interests of another. The interests of the vendors need to be balanced with and against the interests of users/operators and against the interests of independent developers (BIRD has an element of this, via how the oversight of CZ.NIC is structured). Additionally, transparency would be a strong requirement.

A possibility here would be a non-profit (but /no/ special tax status) organisation, in a low-overhead jurisdiction (e.g. UK) - a non-profit, non-trading, guaranteed company, or a CIC, or somesuch. With a few officers to handle regulatory responsibilities, and all further responsibilities delegated to a community board. The assets of Quagga could be assigned to such an entity.

This has been discussed over the years with maintainers, and enquiries made with free software "fiscal stewards", as well as with people active in the non-profit, member-owned IX community. However, never gone anywhere to date.

If this seems something to pursue, please discuss here, or contact me privately.

Paul Jakma | p...@jakma.org | @pjakma | Key ID: 0xD86BF79464A2FF6A
If you wait long enough, it will go away... after having done its damage.
If it was bad, it will be back.
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