I've got an RFC-1918 intranet here with disparate hosts, some of which still only have RIP v1 (e.g. the occasional very old Solaris or Windows system kept for testing). A substantial number of hosts run Debian, I've got Quagga on those and in general information about temporarily-created subnets etc. (scenario: somebody creates a subnet for some VMs, or to configure an attached device) propagates well.

However, I've got problems in the case of one router I'm currently working on which has both some attached (RFC-1918) nodes providing firewalling and tunnelling facilities, as well as a DMZ with an externally-routable network range.

Is there a succinct way of saying to Quagga on that router "Listen, old chap, it's great that you're reminding us of your RFC-1918 nodes, but would you be so kind as to keep the existence of the DMZ to yourself since I don't want anybody trying to access it directly"?

Incidentally, http://www.quagga.net/ appeared to be going to some sort of "squatter" yesterday evening, I had a momentary panic thinking that the project had gone covfefe.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
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