On 11/05/2016 03:54 PM, Max wrote:
> Thanks for the response!
> I ran this and also ran 'sudo dnf install go' when I came across the 
> following error: 'go is needed by qubes-network-server-0.0.4-1.fc23.noarch'.

A commit is now out which eliminates this dependency.

> I then did the cd into the cloned folder and the 'make rpm' function has 
> appeared to have worked.
> I followed the steps to get this to Dom0 and then installed the RPM. It may 
> be better to add to the documentation 'sudo rpm -ivh qns.rpm' as I wasn't 
> initially sure that I actually had to name the file. It helps the noobs! 
> The purpose for me for installing the network server was to be able to ping 
> my Debian VM from my Windows VM.
> These are the configuration steps I took subsequent to install:
> 1) Created a ProxyVM named server-proxy.
> 2) Changed the NetVM on both work-apps (my Debian 8 VM) and windows-7 (HVM) 
> to the new ProxyVM

Sorry, I should have clarified that HVMs are not supported at all.  I am
very, very sorry.  I need to do more work to get HVMs to work properly
("more" is an euphemism for I have totally forgotten so far to support
that use case).  It is totally my fault that I did not explain this in
the documentation.  My bad.  I have updated the documentation to reflect

If you could help me, do report what happens when you ping between a
Fedora and a Debian AppVM, or two Debian AppVMs.


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