On 05/13/2017 09:40 PM, Andrew David Wong wrote:
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On 2017-05-13 12:31, Hack wrote:
On 05/09/2017 09:13 PM, Ivan Mitev wrote:

On 05/09/2017 09:46 PM, Hack wrote:

Why do you use GitHub instead of GitLab?

Most likely because the devs historically chose github and it works well
for the project's needs ?

Useless answer, as it does not give any explanation (see below ↓)…

GitLab works well, there is even a Qubes OS repository added, 2 years
ago, by Wojtek Porczyk, but it is not used. Why?

If your question is instead related to the trust/security/... (or lack
thereof) of github vs. gitlab, github isn't a trusted infrastructure [1]
so it's not a concern.

Hope this helps,



From your link:
"We believe that many attempts to make the infrastructure appear
trustworthy actually provide only the illusion of security and are
ultimately a disservice to real users."

With all due respect, I find this "philosophy" so stupid…

From what I have studied, open source software are more secure than
closed source software. And there is plenty of studies on internet that
say the same thing… So GitLab is better…

Now if we take a concrete example:
    I have a wife, children, and I have the choice to live in a quite
suburb in Glendale, or to live in the worst place in Detroit.

I know that I can be in danger in Glendale, but statistically, I know
that Glendale should be better for my family.

So what? Should I go to Detroit because I can be potentially in danger
too in Glendale? And because I would be less prudent at Glendale, I have
to go to Detroit to protect my family and myself, in a better way? Well,
as I am not dumb, I will choose Glendale rather than Detroit…

The same thing apply with software: Gnu/Linux is a better choice than

So I use Gnu/Linux, rather than Windows (and GitLab rather than GitHub)…
But if I follow your line of reasoning, I should choose Windows? Because
it will "disservice to real users", as I will feel being in more secure
area… It makes no sense…

No, that doesn't follow. This is about the infrastructure, not the

But why that doesn't follow? It is very subjective… Nothing prevents it, mostly when the infrastructure hosts the endpoints…

Sorry, but I do not understand your logic.

More security is better… not less…

We agree, but we disagree about what constitutes "more security." We
believe that what many people regard as "more security" is actually the
illusion of security, and we believe that having more of the illusion of
security is worse than having less of it.

It is a dialogue of the deaf…

And finally, it is sad to use GitHub, because:
    1. even if you cannot trust any infrastructure, yet, you can prefer
a better one…
    2. you prone paranoia, but do wired choices (including your GitHub
    3. your "choice", to use GitHub, does not help open source…
    4. your "philosophy" sucks, because it is hypocritical (open source
is better, and more secure, but only when it comes from us, but wait, do
not trust us too much… and trust GitHub (closed source), but not too
much…; blah blah blah…);
    5. it is egotistical to use GitHub instead of GitLab, "no
solidarity", free for all…

- --
Andrew David Wong (Axon)
Community Manager, Qubes OS


I think it is a useless talk, and I do not want to troll.

Anyway, thank you for your attention.

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