Am Montag, den 05.11.2018, 20:29 -0600 schrieb Andrew David Wong:
> Until now, the two members of the QST have been Joanna and Marek. With
> Joanna's new role at the Golem Project, she will no longer have time to
> function as a QST member. Therefore, Joanna will officially transfer
> ownership of the Qubes Master Signing Key (QMSK) [12] to Marek, and she
> will no longer sign QSBs.
> However, due to the nature of PGP keys, there is no way to guarantee
> that Joanna will not retain a copy of the QMSK after transferring
> ownership to Marek. Since anyone in possession of the QMSK is a
> potential attack vector against the project, Joanna will continue to
> sign Qubes Canaries [10] in perpetuity.

For professional curiosity (some of our customers run enormous
corporate CAs and have to plan for the loss/breach of the private key
to the root certificate) I was already looking for a document
describing the process for invalidating and recreating that root of
trust. Is there one? Although I believe the necessary steps to be quite
expensive in the case of Qubes to invoke it right now...


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