
I'm trying to find out why HVM qubes using DHCP don't work with mirage-firewall 

The process seems to go like this:

1. The HVM qube makes a DHCP request over its emulated network device.
2. The DHCP server in the stub domain replies, saying the router is 
3. The Qube tries to use this and fails, because that's not the IP address of 
the firewall.

Testing with sys-firewall, it seems that sys-firewall responds to all ARP 
requests with its own address. e.g.

[user@test ~]$ sudo route add eth0
[user@test ~]$ timeout 1s ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
[user@test ~]$ sudo arp -an
? ( at fe:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff [ether] on eth0

Is this the expected behaviour? What are the rules about what addresses the 
firewall should answer for?


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