Hi, here's my way:
- In storage VM I've created '/rw/config/fstab' with content that will be 
appended to /etc/fstab on each boot. It contains UUIDs of partitions with 
target mount point. Note the 'auto' attribute:
[user@storage config]$ cat /rw/config/fstab 
# This should have been appended to /etc/fstab on boot

UUID=3f3564db-7df4-40af-d067-33ed2c049b65 /s/disk1       reiserfs   
auto,noatime,users,exec 0 2
UUID=a4e9a4fc-ef0a-962d-3cf2-a6fdfa35a00b /s/disk2    ext3       
auto,noatime,users,exec 0 2

File /rw/config/rc.local creates mount points and adds UUIDs
mkdir -m 770 -p /s/disk1
mkdir -m 770 -p /s/disk2

cat /rw/config/fstab >> /etc/fstab

Then in dom0 we have similar script:

qvm-start storage

list=`qvm-block -l | grep -v attached`

awk '

  if( ($1 ~ /sd.$/) && ($4 > 0) && attach[$2]){
    print "Attaching",$1,$2;
    system("qvm-block -a storage " $1);
' <<< "$list" 

qvm-run storage 'sudo mount -a'
attach[] contains the names of white-listed devices to be attached to storage - 
this is 2nd column of table output by qvm-block command.
After devices are assigned to storageVM, auto-mount is executed in the VM.

I have similar script that unmounts and detaches devices from the storageVM.

Currently I have to find suitable place and time to run that script. 
Suggestions are welcomed.


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