
I just installed i3 and the default settings delivered by the qubes-team
are already quite nice. What I am missing though is nm-applet (at least
for sys-net). I know that I can start it from dom0 via "qvm-run sys-net

So I tried adding
exec --no-startup-id "qvm-run sys-net nm-applet" to my .i3/config but it
doesn't work.
I also tried
exec_always --no-startup-id "qvm-run sys-net nm-applet" to my .i3/config"
I also tried both with /usr/bin/qvm-run

I had the applet turn up once but that's it. Since then nm-applet won't
autostart even though sys-net is started.

Interestingly when I start a VM which has another ProxyVM attached for
my work VPN the nm-applet from the VPN-Proxy-VM automatically shows up.

Any ideas what the problem could be or how did others solved this?


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