On 08/18/2016 07:52 AM, Drew White wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Any davs here able to tell me how to set Qubes Manager default to use
> a different archiving method other than gzip ?
> gzip is the default, but I don't know how or where to change it in
> the manager code, I've tried to find the command it uses, but I'm
> unable to find the command anywhere. Either I'm not looking in the
> right place, or the command isn't what I believe it is.
> Please help?
> Sincerely Drew.
It looks like the Qubes Manager has an internal app for backup in
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/qubesmanager/backup.py, that manager
the window-based wizard, and uses the generic backup tool in
/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/qubes/backup.py to get the job done.

At the beginning of the latter I can see some definitions like
"DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_FILTER = 'gzip'", I think you may want to check
there. The compression filter defined there is passed to the command
line of various tar executions with --use-compress-program=%s.

I don't think it is intented to be actually changed by users via the
GUI, but the fact that it has been moved to a definition at the
beginning of the file and that it is named "DEFAULT" may indicate that
is is intended to be customizable in a possible future extension.


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