Le lundi 22 août 2016 17:43:35 UTC+2, Andrew David Wong a écrit :
> Hash: SHA512
> On the contrary, we care greatly about translating the documentation into
> other languages. We're working with Transifex right now to have the
> documentation translated:
> https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/1452
Ok my bad, I didn't knew about this projet. Then it is fine, it would help a 
lot people not used to read english.
> We welcome your participation! Michael (CCed) is the main contact with
> Transifex. He may have a better idea about how members of the Qubes community
> like yourself can get involved.
Ok thank you, he can contact me on this email if you want me to help to traduce 
some pages, no problem. I don't type very fast and I'm not that young, but if 
you lack people to help traduce in their native langage, I can help.
> I didn't mean to suggest that it's immune to criticism. On the contrary,
> constructive criticism is always welcome.
Sure, I was just a bit on nerves yesterday, sorry about that.
> However, you said, "I don't get why documentation don't address..." I was
> simply explaining why. The documentation is lacking such things because no one
> has contributed them.
> I think it's fair to beseech documentation contributors to consider these
> things. But, in the end, it's up to them what knowledge (if any) they will
> contribute.
Good point, I have thought about your answer yesterday more rested and just 
begun a course today about TCP/IP networks, OSI model in 7 layers to understand 
better how routing works, how packets travel from layer 7 to your own switch / 
bridge ! This is quite interesting, but my attention scattered to another one 
on how to convert decimals numbers into hexadecimals or binary numbers ^^
I don't know if it's going to be useful, but yes, it was interesting to realize 
an IPv4 adress is coded on 32 bits, which is 4 octets, and that 1 octet reach 
255 maximum in decimal form because it is coded on 8 bits, which is 2^8=256, 
and as you start from 0, you get this number. And that we're going to switch to 
IPv6 because you have only 2^32 numbers available (4,2 billions) and we are 
already 7,3 billions here on Earth ! That's also why I want to host my website 
on my own cpu bc you need energy to make a server work, Earth is dying, who 
cares my beginner site being unavailable 8-12 hours a day, as long as I warn 
folk when it opens lol. You can also think about Qubes in an ecological point 
of view as it centralizes different OS and allows you to avoid having more 
computers to preserve data : you save energy.
Those numbers make you wonder how unreal in less than 50 years we went from 1 
bit (0-1), to this very simple potential electric difference coding 2 values, 
to a world wide web page full of data ^^ I guess we invented aliens to 
communicate with we didn't found (yet) so far :D Because if you think about one 
typo here, like my little D surrounded by 2 symbols (lol), if you think about 
all characters options available in all languages over the whole world for 
those 2 symbols, I wouldn't be surprise this beast gets so huge that it can't 
hold in 1 octet/1byte/256 options haha (btw in french you add e to "bit", you 
get a D :D). I hope you enjoy my delicate poetry on digits man lol ~
P.S. : If quoting you fails again, please excuse me, I don't get how to do it 
properly inside your message :(
> - -- 
> Andrew David Wong (Axon)
> Community Manager, Qubes OS
> https://www.qubes-os.org
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> =6qZC

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