> Thanks for the suggestions. Our goal for Qubes 4.0 is to "decmopose"
> the current Qubes Manager by integrating its functions more seamlessly
> into the desktop environment:
> https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/2132
> We hope that this approach will take care of the kinds of issues that
> you and others have pointed out regarding the current Qubes Manager.

Hmmmmm.  That's interesting.

I'm not 100% sure I comprehend what "decomposition" means here.

I'm not sure splitting stuff out into different parts of the window
manager makes things less confusing, or more confusing.  And potentially
harder to maintain.

I hate trying to hunt around and find things when they could all be in one
place.  In the past when I've seen stuff like that, it means a lot more
work finding stuff.

I like what Qubes does, and I think the Qubes VM Manager sums it the state
of things pretty nicely, currently.  I really don't have a problem with it
and the way it's tied to main Qubes menu.

But I'll Joanna's page a more detailed read when I'm a bit more refreshed.

Thanks.  :)


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